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Last week I was talking to a cafe owner about their business, we were discussing elements of their business that could be improved.  The conversation was a very confronting one, and one I have had with myself on occasions. 

Often we wake up, we open the cafe or restaurant and just do what we do.  By nature most people including myself are geared towards routine.  Routine can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing.  It limits us to doing what we’ve always done.  Doing what we’ve always done can easily lead to a dated product that quickly loses its lustre.

The question I asked this business owner was “what are you doing in your cafe that’s remarkable?”  After a little thought the answer came to him. ‘Nothing’.

To be successful, businesses and products need to be remarkable.  They need to be something that encourages people to discuss them.  If you own a cafe; your coffee should be exceptional, if you own a bakery, your breads should be worth talking about.  If service is something you offer your service needs to be noticeably superior to all else in competition with you.  We live in a time and age when we quite simply cannot afford to be average.

If you consider what you have perhaps invested into your business most will agree with me, that as business operators we cannot afford to not be remarkable.  What is stopping you from preparing the country’s best coffee?  What is the limiting factor in you offering remarkable service?  Why are your customers not leaving your business in awe of the experience you provided them with?

Many of us are so busy running our business we don’t get time to see what remarkable operators in our industry are currently doing.  The bad news that follows is that our customers do have the time to familiarise themselves with the remarkable products and services that our competition are offering.  Often leaving our business and not returning to offer us feedback.

It’s your job as a business owner to innovate and remain ahead of what ‘everyone else is doing’.

You must be the BEST!

What was an appealing product in the early 90s is now a laughable offering.  If you don’t believe me, just compare the best TV from the early 90s to the best TV available now… which would you prefer.

So don’t get left behind, ask yourself, ask your staff, and most importantly, ask your customers: “how can we make what we do remarkable.”

I’ve recorded a short video discussing this in greater detail.  If you get just one nugget of information that can propel you forward, my work is done.  Enjoy

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